Introducing Freedom Village of Bellevue

We are thrilled to be opening Freedom Village of Bellevue later this year, with the first garden homes scheduled to be available for occupancy beginning in August 2022. Freedom Village will provide a unique and fun way to enjoy life after 55. Residents can live among...

Long COVID: An Uphill Battle for Older Adults

As we see COVID-19 infection rates ebb and flow, many older adults continue to suffer symptoms of COVID long after recovering from the initial infection. Long COVID occurs when individuals experience symptoms that affect their health much longer than the average...

Avoiding Winter Injuries

  Winter activities and sports are a great way to stay active during colder months if you participate with common sense and caution. However, do not take on more than your health and skill level will safely allow. Before heading out on that long-awaited ski vacation,...

6 Steps to Choosing a Care Facility

You have been avoiding the conversation, but maybe now is the time to start the discussion. Your loved one has reached the stage in life where it is time to consider moving them into a skilled care nursing facility for their care and safety. What do you do now? Where...