Hillcrest Firethorn Visitation Guidelines
After all the challenges that COVID-19 created over the past year, we are very excited to be able to share some positive news. With the community positivity rate in Lancaster County below 5% and no current exposures or positive cases at Hillcrest Firethorn, we are pleased to begin allowing indoor visitation on a controlled basis. Of course, we still need to be safe and take precautions. You will find the guidelines that we will follow for this initial re-opening by clicking the button below titled “Visitation Agreement Form.” As CDC, CMS and DHHS give new direction, these guidelines may be subject to change. In the event that we do have a COVID-19 exposure or positive case, we will have to return to Phase I isolation protocols. But for now, in Phase III, we are excited for the opportunity to have you and your loved ones be able to safely interact in person (though mask-to-mask) starting February 22, 2021.
To make a reservation for visitation, please contact our Concierge at (531) 739-3500. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at your convenience. I look forward to seeing you at Hillcrest Firethorn!
Best wishes,
Barry Emerson